Silver Bullets is a 2011 movie, which the coolest part of this movie is the poster.
Silver Bullets is a film about an actress that is starring in a werewolf film.So, this movie is a little different, as it seems like it's a found footage, but I don't think that it is. This is a low quality film, as in production value.
Now, some of the actors in this film are pretty decent at, well acting at certain points. With a little (lot) more practice some of them could make a career out of this.
Regarding the music and just general audio of this film. The music is very loud compared to the actors voices, and it's overly dramatic at parts. They really should have invested in a better microphone than they had. The audio can just get irritating, and that's one thing they should have worked on.
Silver Bullets is not the worst film ever, and for its indie feel, it could be worse. Is it worth checking out? Well, if you can see it for free or very very low cost and there is absolutely nothing else good to do or see, then maybe.
final score: 2.5/5
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