Queen Of The Damned is a 2002 vampire movie based on the Anne Rice novel of the same name.
Okay, I'll admit that I enjoy a good vampire film. Heck, I even like a good gothic film. I want to know one thing though, who the hell green lit this movie?I don't really know how to describe this film... I think Queen Of The Damned is supposed to be a sequel film to, Interview With A Vampire, but it doesn't seem like it.
I paused the film at about the half way mark, and that's when the conflict is first introduced. Everything before that is pretty much an incoherent mess.
The acting is subpar, and the actors seem like this is the first time that they were in front of a camera. It almost reminds me of that terrible
This movie seems like it was made by someone who wanted to be a vampire and a goth yet knew nothing about either.
Queen Of The Damned is a terrible film that should have never been made, but I have seen much worse vampire films than this one.
final score: 2.2/5
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