The Hallow is a 2015 horror film set in Ireland, and it was pretty good.
The Hallow follows a family that moves into the country in Ireland for the husbands work, but the supernatural beings that are within the forrest, don't like their new neighbors.Alright, so I've been wanting to see this movie for the past couple of months, and I've finally gotten around to watching it. After viewing, The Hallow, I thought it was actually pretty good.
The monster designs are pretty creative, and it's based off of Irish lore. They don't delve to deep into the lore however, but it's still interesting and now I want to read up on it more.
There definitely
The acting in this film is well done, and it has a small budget feel to the film as well, so given that, it really is impressive what they accomplished in making this movie. There wasn't a bad actor in the whole thing.
The Hallow is a pretty good film, and I would recommend seeing it. Is it perfect? No. Is it entertaining? Yes. This is just one of those films that was hidden away and should have gained more attention than it actually did.
final score: 3/5
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