The Egyptian Mummy Movie Review
A Comedic Take On Future Horror
The Egyptian Mummy is a 1914 silent film and as far as I can tell, it's the first film about mummy's out there.
The Egyptian Mummy is about a man who's attempting to impress a girl he likes father by becoming wealthy. He plans on doing this by selling a fake mummy who's really a homeless man to the father who wants to run scientific experiments. Shenanigans ensue.
I don't think many people have heard about this little film and that's okay, but it's definitely worth the watch.
The acting is pretty decent for 1914 and it looks as if all of the actors were having fun with the film. There are very few actors in the film, but they all do a decent enough job. Each charters' motivation is clear, and I applaud the actors for their portrayal.
The camera work is pretty basic, but for the time it was still will put together over all. The music fit the scenes nicely and I found myself thoroughly entertained. I'm starting to really like this old ragtime style of music, and there's a certain charm about it which just makes me smile.
If you want to see an old fun movie, the watch The Egyptian Mummy. It's pretty short and as a little known classic, The Egyptian Mummy is well worth the watch.
final score: 3.7/5
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