So I watched a video by The Closer Look called, The Last Jedi - How Comedy Can Kill A Movie , and it got me thinking. For the most part Disney's comedy kinda sucks. I'm talking about those times that when there's a serious moment and they break the tension with comedy. They did it in black panther , age of ultron, and apparently the new Star Wars movies as well. If you know me then you know that I don't watch the new Star Wars movies as I don't consider what Disney is doing with them to really be in the original spirit of the franchise. You may have noticed this yourself. You also may have read my current unhappy feelings with Disney regarding certain things. Yet I grew up loving Disney films, and in part they made me want to make movies. I'm talking about films like The Lion King, Peter Pan, and Mary Poppins. I have also heard that Disney has gone through many different ages since they have become a company, like their golden age, the dark age, their ren...