So, I just got back from seeing Avengers Infinity War, and this movie was better than I expected it to be. Now, if you've been following this blog, or you know me personally, then you know that I'm not a real big fan of the MCU. However this is one of there better movies that they have made in recent memory. Most of the comedy in marvel movies is absolutely terrible and an abomination to the art of comedy as a whole. Yet this movie did sneak in some good jokes now and again. For the most part the actions scenes are done well, though there is a minor spoiler here. In Wakanda, there is a big fight scene that happens. Two armies go at it and I have to say for a highly advanced society which one of the characters called guns primitive in Black Panther, their tactics seem very primitive. This highly advanced society just decides to do a full on charge and break formation. Come on guys, take a note from one of the greats about tactics, like Hannibal, Scipio, or Alexander the Grea...
Reviewer of Film, Books, and TV Shows! Plus commentary on other things occasionally!